RGS Guildford courtyard with students

Year: 2022

Junior Piano Concert

After an exhausting day of competitions for the House Piano events, many of the junior pianists came back to school to play in the Junior Concert, held annually every November….

Class of 1992 Reunion

On Saturday evening we held a 30-year reunion for the Class of 1992 and were delighted to welcome back 35 OGs, plus their former teachers Ted Badham, Peter Clark, John…

Remembrance Day 2022

The whole community joined together in an act of remembrance as the School united in memory of those who have lost their lives in warfare since the First World War….

Half Term Trips

With trips firmly back on the school calendar, we were delighted that, during half term, a large number of students participated in a variety of trips. These ranged from a…

Two Piano Recital

On 3 November a packed Recital Room was treated to a stunning recital of music for two pianos performed by our Head of Keyboard, Jan Newman, and Maureen Galea. Consisting…

King’s Lecture

For this term’s King’s Lecture, we were delighted to welcome Old Guildfordian Simon Lazenby back to the RGS.  Simon attended the RGS as a student from 1988 to 1993 –…