RGS Guildford courtyard with students

Half-Term Trips

The Easter holidays were jam-packed with trips both abroad and within the UK, across many subject departments.

Fourth Form students visited the newly built Soho Place Theatre in London for a performance of Euripides’ popular Greek tragedy, Medea. The tragedy was set to a superb soundtrack and had ingenious staging, including a Chorus of Corinthian women embedded in the audience and an indoor rainstorm during the final climactic scenes. This, coupled with the brilliant acting performances made for a very enjoyable trip.

At this time of year, our Lower Sixth students embark on the Gold Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Qualifying Expedition. Despite an initial soaking from heavy rain as they exited the minibus, the students threw themselves into the spirit of the expedition for four days and 3 nights. As the days rolled past and the weather improved, the students became increasingly proficient in the required elements – camp craft, navigation and decision making to name a few. Students were unanimous in their positivity about the whole experience.

The Classics department took 81 boys to Rome and the Bay of Naples to explore the sites and experience the culture of Italy. After visiting the classical sites in Rome which looked spectacular in the beautiful sunshine, the group then travelled by coach to Sorrento in the Bay of Naples. The itinerary in Campania included visits to Herculaneum and Mount Vesuvius, a full day in Pompeii and a day trip to the island of Capri. Other highlights included tasting the delights of the Italian gelaterias, an evening meal in a local pizza restaurant and exploring the streets of Sorrento in the evenings.

18 students and 2 staff embarked on a cricket tour to UAE to participate in the ARCH Trophy. The trip provided the perfect combination of playing against worthy opponents in the warm sunshine and experiencing the unique culture and sights of Dubai. Matches were played at different venues, the most memorable ones being played at the Sheikh Zayed Stadium. The stadium is known for hosting IPL matches and is considered one of the best cricket grounds in the world. Other notable experiences were playing golf, a desert safari and using the fantastic facilities at RGS Guildford Dubai.

A group of Spanish A Level students enjoyed a 6 day trip to the beautiful city of Granada for a fully immersive language experience, speaking Spanish the entire time . Hosted by local families, they took part in a number of cultural visits including a tour of the old Arabic quarter, flamenco classes, visit to the Alhambra Palace, impromptu visit to the beach and a full day in Seville.

The RGS Lifesaving and Surfing Group took to the waves in Cornwall. Anticipating challenging surfing conditions, they were not disappointed. All slept on the floor in the Mawgan Porth Village Hall and showered outdoors; not everyone’s cup of tea but the boys loved it.

Third and Forth Formers ventured to Normandy, where they enjoyed rigorous assault courses, fencing challenges, orienteering and French Cusine. The trip to Le Mont St Michel was a particular highlight as all trapsed through the marshlands and experienced the quick sands in a beautiful setting with a back drop of the Abbey in the far distance.

The History Department took 29 Third and Fourth Form students on a journey to visit the WW1 Battlefields and the Waterloo Battlefield. The trip provided the boys with the opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of the history of WW1 and the impact it had on local communities.

43 Second Form Spanish students jetted off to Catalonia for a wonderful 5 days of Spanish sun, activities, and food. Students enjoyed activities with the monitores: Spanish lessons, a day trip to Barcelona where they visited the Nou camp, a lovely tapas lunch, visit to the Sagrada familia cathedral, indulged in ice creams, sang Spanish songs and visited the Boqueria market. The disco on the last night was the perfect way to end the trip.