RGS Guildford courtyard with students

GCSE Results – The Headmaster’s Comment

Thursday 24 August 2023

“RGS students were rewarded for their impressive endeavour, disciplined application and genuine passion for learning with an outstanding set of GCSE results.  Against the backdrop of a return to pre-pandemic grading and media concerns that this year’s cohort would suffer disproportionately – with 300,000 fewer top marks predicted – the results were all the more striking.

The most common grade achieved by our students was the gold-standard grade 9; in total 730 grade 9s were achieved, 45% of all grades.  In addition, 471 grade 8s were also secured: 74% of grades were at grade 9 or 8.  58 students achieved ten or more grade 8 and 9s; 18 boys secured the remarkable achievement of a clean sweep of 10 or more grade 9s.

With the relentless pace of change in the 21st century – Artificial Intelligence being just one such example – and the number of global issues and challenges which continue to face us all in the political, social, environmental and economic spheres, it is all the more important that schools are nurturing dynamic, innovative, and flexible problem solvers, team players and leaders.  Transferable skills are key at a time where our students are going to be entering the world of work and applying for jobs which continue to evolve and develop.  The fact that our students are studying a broad range of GCSEs and entering the Sixth Form with a diverse and balanced range of skills mean they can face the challenges of A Levels, university and the world of work with absolute confidence.  I am delighted that our students continue to study in significant numbers the performing arts, the creative arts, classical and modern languages, humanities as well as the traditional STEM subjects.  This blend of disciplines and skills have arguably never been more important.

Despite the disruption for this year group to their formative early years at secondary school due to Covid and the inevitable impact this had on their learning habits and study skills, the students have conducted themselves with remarkable flexibility, resilience and pride in their work; their excellent grades will provide the very best foundations from which to flourish in the Sixth Form as they embark upon four A Levels.  They can rightly have the most ambitious of aspirations from a university perspective.

I hope our students can now fully enjoy their successes and I am excited to follow the progress of this talented group of students as they return to school in September.”

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