RGS Guildford courtyard with students

Reflection: Collaboration

The iconic opening lyrics to the song Ice Ice Baby by Vanilla Ice seem an excellent way to start today’s Reflection: to use those words, “All right, stop, collaborate and listen.”

I am sure collaboration is something we are all familiar with.  Yet I would just like to highlight one particular definition that I believe especially encapsulates what we strive for at the RGS.  It refers to collaboration as the bringing together of diverse perspectives, skills, and experiences to create something greater than the sum of its parts.

Collaboration is everywhere, and Field Day 1 provided an excellent opportunity to collaborate outside the classroom.  As some of you may have seen on RGS social media platforms, a group of Upper Sixth Form students gave up their weekend to undertake a gruelling 63km walk.  This was part of the Pilgrims’ Challenge initiative, a legacy set up by Sixth Form students a few years ago.  The idea of the Pilgrims’ Challenge is for students across a whole year group to collaborate and raise money for a charitable cause.  This year, it was chosen that we would fundraise for the Max Windle Memorial Trust which “supports charities which focus on improving mental health, including depression, anxiety and suicide prevention in children and young adults.”

The students collaborated in the planning and choosing of the routes and most significantly, throughout the fundraising.  We are very proud to report that, as of Monday night, total funds raised sit at £3,500.  Quite simply, this is a massive amount for a great cause.

This would not have been possible without the combined efforts of everyone involved, which is a great illustration of how individuals can work together to produce an end product far greater than anything they could achieve themselves.

The link to donate is still available.  Of course, donate if you want to, but, perhaps more significantly, you can contribute by remembering the benefits of collaboration and continuing the legacy of the Pilgrims’ Challenge when your time comes in the Upper Sixth.  Don’t just wait till then, however.  The RGS provides extensive opportunities to collaborate within the classroom or outside it.  So, do your best to make the most of the diverse perspectives and skills you are surrounded by.

After all, alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.

Johnny Kershaw
Senior Prefect