RGS Guildford courtyard with students

RGSG Dubai Visit RGS Prep

On Wednesday, we were delighted to welcomed 57 students and teachers from RGS Guildford Dubai, enhancing the ties between our schools. The day featured a diverse range of activities, starting with an insightful assembly by 6N on Dubai’s culture. Mr. Freeman-Day shared the school’s history and Year 6 buddies provided a guided tour which was a great opportunity for pupils from both schools to interact and ask each other questions.

The pupils enjoyed watching the Pirates of the Curry Bean dress rehearsal, a pantomime performed by our Year 6 Drama Club. The multi-sports festival added a touch of friendly competition and was the highlight for many.

We look forward to future collaborative opportunities.

View photos from their visit https://flic.kr/s/aHBqjBdwy9