RGS Guildford courtyard with students

World Book Week

We celebrated World Book Week from 4-8 March. Pre-Prep enjoyed a host of book-themed events and activities including a trip to Waterstones to hear some stories and swap their World Book Day voucher, a visit from Aesops Touring Theatre Company to perform the Hare and the Tortoise which links to our School Value of respect and our learning habits of taking a risk and persisting.

The boys also enjoyed visits from children’s authors. Lucy Reynolds, writer of ‘Hedgehogs Don’t Live in the City’ and ‘We Are Family’, ran a workshop linked to her books about nature and the environment and Simon Mole, writer of  ‘A First Book of Dinosaurs’, performed his poetry and encouraged them to create their own dinosaurs using every day objects.

Pupils in Years 3-6 were delighted to welcome author, Adam Baron, who gave an inspiring talk in assembly about how he comes up with his ideas and read excerpts of his book ‘Boy Under Water’. Following this, Adam hosted writing workshops with each Year Group throughout the day – imaginations certainly ran wild!

Other activities included conquered a reading challenge, exploring the book fair filled great reads, delving into a CSI reading workshop and showcasing their creativity through book cover designing.

World Book Week wouldn’t be complete without the boys donning their fabulous literature-themed costumes. Those in Pre-Prep wore hats illustrated with their favourite book and Prep boys enjoyed head-to-toe fancy dress! There was an exciting mix of Oompa Loompas, those from the wizarding world of Harry Potter, Oliver Twist and Aladdin walking the corridors.

World Book Week was enjoyed by all as pupils immersed themselves in a world of literary adventures, exciting activities and celebrated the magic of books.