RGS Guildford courtyard with students

Music Events

Choral & Orchestral Concert
We are extremely proud of our boy choristers who, directed by Mrs Dienes Williams and Mr Orchard, performed fabulously alongside international tenor, James Gilchrist and the RGS choirs and orchestra in Britten’s St Nicolas in Holy Trinity Church. Particular congratulations to Hugo, Henry, Jonas and Jeremiah who performed solo roles.

St Teresa’s Music Course
During the Easter holidays, eight RGS Prep boys attended a four-day orchestra course at St Teresa’s School in Effingham. With 44 boys and girls from 8 different schools they spent an exciting week learning to play a wide variety of music from small ensembles to full orchestral works, and the week culminated with a spectacular concert of the pieces they had learned. The boys were a credit to the school, learned a huge amount and most importantly had lots of fun.