RGS Guildford courtyard with students

Physics Trip to Geneva

The Swiss trip over the Easter holidays provided a mix of adventure and education for our students. The group gathered at Gatwick Airport for an early morning departure to Geneva and arrived in high spirits. The students settled into their hostel before touring the United Nations buildings.

Evening meals at Les Brasseurs encouraged were enjoyed by all and the physics briefings from the trip leaders were engaging. The highlight was the visit to CERN, witnessing experiments and learning about antimatter production and ion deceleration, providing insight into particle physics.

Exploring Lake Geneva and the Museum of the History of Science offered further learning opportunities before an exciting culinary experience at Hotel Edelweiss, with traditional Swiss-German entertainment.

On the final day, students explored Geneva’s old town before heading to the airport. Despite a delayed flight and rough weather upon landing at Gatwick, the trip concluded on a high note, with students returning to eagerly to share their experiences.