RGS Guildford courtyard with students

‘Hamelin’ Premiere

On Monday 1 July, 175 performers took part in a very special concert at Holy Trinity Church. The concert included the world premiere of ‘Hamelin’, a new work created especially for the music departments of RGS Guildford and RGS Prep by Peter White, former Director of Music. The RGS students were joined by 28 members of the Boxgrove String Scheme Orchestra who also played some additional pieces in the first half of the programme.

‘Hamelin’ is based on the legendary ‘Pied Piper of Hamelin’, and the lead role was played by Oscar Ford, gamely dressed as a hippy! Other soloists included Ben Pilkington, the Mayor of Hamelin and Alex Pop, the Priest. Ralph Moggs, Orlando Meadowcroft, Benedict Cunningham and Daniel Bristow performed the parts of Town Councillors. Over 60 First Form students formed the Chorus of Rats and they were joined by Schola Cantorum who were the Town Folk of Hamelin and the Chorus of Pupils from RGS Prep.  Students from all year groups played in the Orchestra, together with Jan Newman, Dale Chambers and Laura Eaton from the music department.