RGS Guildford courtyard with students

Miss S Hough

Year 3 Form Tutor
Miss S Hough
Year 3 Form Tutor

What’s the best thing about RGS Prep?  The staff and boys – it is like one big happy family, everyone is enthusiastic and interested in learning.

What excites you most about coming into work each day? Chatting to the amazing Year 3 team and then welcoming the boys into the classroom- they always have something to say that makes me smile.

What’s your life philosophy/motto in life? Don’t put off until tomorrow, what you can do today!

If you were allowed one dream perk, what would it be? My own allocated parking space. It would take away some of the stress when I get stuck on the A3 in the morning.

What luxury would you have on a desert island? My piano and a big pile of music – I have never been very good at playing from memory, oh, and a lipstick! Is that too many items?

What’s your favourite film and why? I am not a huge fan of football but “Bend It like Beckham” is my favourite film. It brings back happy memories of watching it when my children were teenagers.

What’s the strangest thing in your fridge at the moment? A bottle of Super Glue. I read somewhere that if you keep it in the fridge, it lasts for much longer…It’s true, it works!

What is your favourite ice-cream flavour? Praline and Cream, Haagan-Dazs. I could eat the whole tub in one go.

Which actor/actress would you get to play you in a film of your life? Emilia Clarke- she has the best smile!