Our Community

Our students and staff are, of course, at the very heart of our vibrant and diverse school community. At RGS Guildford we are proud that the friendships, links, collaborations and associations with the School extend far beyond the school grounds.

Our school community is as made up of a large number of people and organisations, all of whom contribute to the richness of what we offer our students, and the enrichment of the education of all. Together, these elements create a vibrant ecosystem where past, present, and future seamlessly converge in a collective commitment to learning, giving back, and embracing a global mindset.


We have an established alumni community whose relationship with the School continues long after their school days. They serve as inspirational role models for our students, returning often for careers conventions, assemblies and school events.

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Parents' Association

Our parent body work tirelessly to forge and maintain strong links between the school and parents. They organise a variety of activities to raise funds used for the benefit of all of our students.

One of the Parents’ Associations key fundraising activities is the organising of secondhand uniform sales, or SHUGS.

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Charity Initiatives

Local, national and international school-nominated charities are selected each year and benefit from a vast array of fundraising activities organised by the school.

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Educational Partnerships

We have forged many strong and long-lasting external educational partnerships with local, national and international organisations in order to engage in meaningful enrichment and outreach activities.

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International Schools

Our schools overseas are long-term collaborations with local partners which allow us to share our expertise globally while learning from other cultures and provide an income which supports our provision of a first class education to our students in Guildford.

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