RGS Guildford courtyard with students

‘Speak Out!’ Festival 

Well done to all the boys who took part in this year’s annual ‘Speak Out’

The staff and pupils made a fabulous audience and a great time was had by all! Working on various topics in preparation in their drama lessons, Year 3 focused on storytelling, Year 4 classic and contemporary poetry, Year 5 read excerpts from Shakespeare’s play, The Tempest and Year 6 were asked to talk for up to a minute about their chosen biography.

The judges were highly complementary about the pupils vocal skills which features “lots of clear expression, facial gestures and characterisation as well as engagement with the enthusiastic audience”.

A special thank you to our judges – Head of English, Miss Hay, who was joined this year by Actor and Director of the Guildford Shakespeare Company, Mr Rob Cann and Retired Director, Mr Andrew Hamel-Cooke of the Nomad Theatre in East Horsley.

Mrs Lanson de Breuille

Head of Drama