RGS Guildford courtyard with students

Music Events

It has been a busy half term for our music staff and pupils. We held preliminary rounds for House Music in the form of Competition Concerts for Wind, Brass, Strings, Piano, Guitar, Voice, Percussion and Ensembles. The best performances from each concert went through to the House Music Final and the results are in! Lancaster House came 1st by 1 point, followed by Windsor, then Tudor and last but by no means least, York.

On Wednesday evening we were delighted to present our annual Spring Ensembles Concerts. More than 140 boys performed in one or more of our Ensembles and Choirs and it was fabulous to welcome so many parents. It has been fantastic to witness the extraordinary progress so many of our pupils have made with their instruments.

The last of the musical performance this term was for the Easter Assembly. Year 6 worked very hard (and quickly) to put together ‘Goodnews’, a rock version of the Easter story for parents and pupils. They all spoke and sang with confidence and expression. Canon Rachael, the Canon Liturgist at Guildford Cathedral drew the story together with a lovely reflection.

View photographs using the links below:

Junior Spring Ensembles Concert

Senior Spring Ensembles Concert 

Easter Assembly