RGS Guildford courtyard with students

OG Reunions

1993 & ’94 OG Reunion
55 OGs from ’93 & ’94 celebrated their 30-year reunion at the RGS last Saturday. It was  wonderful to welcome back so many OGs, one of which even travelled from Singapore, and 8 former teachers. A nostalgic tour round the school was followed by a drinks reception in the courtyard and a fabulous curry dinner in Big School. The Headmaster shared news of the School and Development Director, Ms Popa, introduced the Road to 2035 fundraising bursary campaign, which some OGs and staff have kindly committed to supporting. Memories, stories and laughter flowed, and it was a special occasion for many back at their old school for the first time since leaving. There is already talk amongst those who attended of a follow-up event!

1973/74 OG Reunion
Wednesday afternoon saw 27 OGs from 1973 & ’74 back in Big School for their 50-year reunion. The years rolled back as they shared stories of school life – memories, pranks and more. It was fabulous to have 3 of their teachers there too. Headmaster, Dr Cox, gave a talk about what life at the RGS is like now and Ms Popa spoke to all about the vision to continue the “grammar school” spirit from which they benefited in the early ‘70s. Bill Dixon OG’73, visiting from the Hague, treated us to an after-lunch speech full of anecdotes and some OGs explored their old haunts around the Old Building too. The event was wonderfully nostalgic afternoon enjoyed by all.