RGS Guildford courtyard with students

Christmas Events

The excitement is building with the Christmas holidays just around the corner. Pupils across RGS Prep have enjoyed a whole host of festive events over the last few weeks. Here is a little insight into what the boys have been up to:

Pre-Prep Nativity
Pre-Prep pupils told the story of the Donkey Seller by Carrie Richardson and Clare Jones. The Donkey Seller is fed up, because he hasn’t sold a donkey for ages and his donkeys are very, very bored. When Mary and Joseph, shepherds and sheep and kings on camels travel to Bethlehem, they all need donkeys! The Donkey Seller is overloaded with work and after the travellers have gone he falls asleep. Meanwhile the angels lead the donkeys to a stable at Bethlehem, where there’s a party for a very special baby that has been born. No-one is bored now!

After lots of rehearsals and preparing the fantastic stage displays and costumes, the boys were ready to perform for their loved ones over the course of a week. The boys sang enthusiastically and did a marvellous job of remembering their lines and dance moves. View photos here.

Christmas Fair
All felt very festive as they selected gifts for their families at the Christmas Fair. The Parents’ Association set up lots of fantastic stalls with a wide variety of items for pupils to chose from. The hall was bustling with excited boys who enjoyed sharing what they had ‘purchased’ with their friends and teachers.

Pre-Prep Christmas Parties
Pre-Prep pupils had a very tasty Christmas dinner for their class parties, followed by festive games set up by Mr Mills – these included snowballing the snowmen, pin the ornament on the tree, Santa’s hat toss, fish for presents and give Rudolph his red nose. 

Christmas Tree Concert
The choirs and ensembles put on a spectacular festive programme for the Christmas Tree Concert. The concert showcased the improvements the boys have made playing their instruments this term and it was great to see so many confident singers. 

Kelly’s Santa Fun Run
Last Saturday, Mr Dwyer and Mr Dawe, alongside RGS Prep pupils, took part in Kelly’s Santa Fun Run to support the charity Challengers, who provide inclusive play and social opportunities for disabled children and young people.