RGS Guildford courtyard with students

Dr R Sisca

Teacher of Physics
Dr R Sisca
Teacher of Physics

What excites you most about coming into work each day? Knowing that I am going to have interesting discussions and that I am going to spend time with cool people!

What’s your life philosophy/motto in life? The Socratic “know thyself”.

What luxury would you have on a desert island? An empty notebook, to write down thoughts.

If you could choose one superhuman ability what would it be? Not gaining any weight even if I eat all the gelato.

Where is the best place you’ve travelled to and why? Peru, and especially the 4-day Inca trail ending in Machu Picchu. Lots of life lesson learned.

What would your theme song be? Weird fishes by Radiohead.

What’s your favourite film and why? Federico Fellini’s 8 ½. For how it explores self-doubt, anxiety, search of identity. For how it all ends with the characters joining ends in a big circle on a sandy beach.

What food will you absolutely not, under any circumstances, eat?
Pineapple on pizza / Ketchup on pasta.

If you could be any cartoon character who would you be? Goku from Dragon Ball. Especially for the hair!