School Day

At RGS Prep, we believe in fostering a nurturing environment that embraces the unique needs and developmental stages of our youngest learners. From morning routines to engaging lessons that provide a foundation for curiosity, creativity and social growth, our timetable is designed to make each day a joyful adventure of discovery for our little ones.

Take a look at what a typical school day looks like for pupils in Nursery and Reception.

Our School Day

8.00 – 9.00am Nursery drop off
8.00 – 8.30am Reception (Shell) drop off
8.25 – 8.35am Registration
8.40 – 8.55am Assembly
9.00 – 9.35am Period 1
9.40 – 10.15am Period 2
10.15– 10.35am Breaktime
10.40 – 11:15am Period 3
11.20 – 11.55am Period 4
12.00 – 1.00pm Lunchtime
1.00 – 1.20pm Storytime / library session
1.25 – 2.00pm Period 5
2.00 –2.15pm First Nursery pick up
2.05 – 2.40pm Period 6 – EYFS afternoon play 2.05 – 2.30pm
2.40 – 3.10pm Period 7 – Nursery/Reception (Shell) pick up 3.10pm
3.20 – 3.55pm Reception (Shell) and Nursery late class
3.55 – 4.30pm Lates
4.30 – 6.30pm After school care