Art, DT, Music & Drama
We encourage all our students to participate in some form of creative pursuit which they do with exceptional skill and imagination, enthusiasm and enjoyment. There is a real sense of creative freedom and opportunities exist for each individual to explore their passions, resulting in our students developing a true appreciation of the Arts.
Imagination, along with problem-solving and project-based work, create students who can think on their feet and have the confidence to formulate their own ideas and see things through to their conclusion. The Arts provide an outlet for the expression of thoughts, feelings, and observations, and they do this with impressive maturity and insight.
Design & Technology
Much like our Art School, the Design & Technology workshops are bright, airy and inspiring environments. A focus on mastering techniques allows our students to develop self-expression at their own pace as well as a passion for innovative design.
The breath-taking talent of our students is fostered in an environment where they can fully express themselves, irrespective of their passions. High-profile and more intimate performances, frequently as shared initiatives with local girls’ schools, promote personal expression.
Our Music Department has established an admirable reputation, exceptional by any school’s standards. It is rare to walk through the Old Building at any time of day without hearing the inspiring sounds of music. A host of choirs and ensembles, supported by a staff of passionate musicians, caters for all abilities and interests.
The School offers individual tuition on singing and pretty much every and any musical instrument. In fact, over 300 one-to-one music lessons take place in any one week. Regular concerts and recitals locally, nationally and internationally allow the students to showcase their musicality in surroundings as atmospheric as the historic courtyard of the Old Building and as impressive as St Mark’s Basilica in Venice.
Drama is a vibrant and energetic part of the life of the School. Plays cater to all age groups, from the more intimate to the most ambitious performances, including joint school musicals and productions with local girls’ schools.