
The Sixth Form at the RGS supports, inspires and prepares students as they progress from school to university and the wider world. We foster and encourage leadership, independence, and a sense of responsibility.

The learning experience

When joining the Sixth Form students take more responsibility for their learning within a challenging and supportive academic setting. The learning experience within the Sixth Form will differ from studying for GCSEs as class sizes are smaller and our inspiring teachers will instil a love of learning for the subjects our Sixth Formers have chosen to study.

Nurturing intellectual curiosity

Academic excellence is at the heart of our philosophy; we believe that the potential of all students is realised by nurturing their passions, by cultivating in each individual the School’s bespoke set of Learning Habits and by fostering a scholarly mindset.

We encourage

  • being fiercely curious and intellectually inquisitive;
  • looking for opportunities beyond the curriculum and making connections between individual subjects;
  • encouraging creativity and a free-thinking approach which is willing to challenge conventional opinion;
  • providing opportunities for research and presentation skills;
  • mental resilience and flexibility to identify and offer creative solutions to challenges and not be daunted by initial failure and setback, rather seeing it as a constructive and necessary part of development;
  • being ambassadors of excellence;
  • engaging fully – and often independently – with the opportunities afforded;
  • being young men of integrity;
  • celebrating aspiration and achievement while always remaining humble;
  • enriching and benefiting others within the School and those in the community;
  • developing a lifelong love of learning and a lasting thirst for knowledge and self-improvement.


These qualities are a description of the culture at the RGS and what characterises the ethos of the School.  They are the qualities to which every Sixth Former should aspire to and, as such, regular opportunities are provided which are open to all Sixth Form students for enrichment, stretch and challenge as part of the scholarship programme.