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Support the School

At the heart of the RGS lies a bold ambition to provide every bright local boy a great education irrespective of his financial circumstances. Investing in our Bursary Campaign is essential in funding the education of promising young men to reach their potential. By offering an education based on merit, we contribute to the creation of a more inclusive and innovative society, driving progress and prosperity for generations to come.

The Road to 2035



 “When I took on the role of Headmaster, I made a steadfast commitment: every student who successfully passed our entrance exams and received an offer to join the School should have the opportunity to so do, regardless of their families’ financial circumstances.”

Dr Jon Cox Headmaster

The Road to 2035 is the School’s ambitious campaign to raise £13 million by 2035. Such an initiative will allow the RGS, within a single generation, to educate any bright deserving boy irrespective of their financial circumstances. The establishment of an Enduring Bursary Endowment Fund will support 1 in 7 boys, or 143 boys, at the RGS.

Thank you to all our supporters who have generously contributed to the campaign. Every donation paves the way for a promising young student to seize the opportunities offered by an RGS education. Your contributions also provide emergency fee support to families facing unexpected challenges or crises.

Together, we are changing lives and creating brighter futures. Thank you for being a part of this important journey.

To make your gift in a way that suits you, click one of the links below. You can download all our donation forms at the bottom of this page.

If you would like to know more, please contact a member of the team on +44 1483 880665 or email rgsfoundation@rgsg.co.uk. We hope that you will include the Road to 2035 amongst your chosen charities in the coming years and continue to give according to your means.