Visits & Open Days

We are delighted that you are considering the RGS for your son. We look forward to welcoming you to our school.

Our next Open Events will take place as follows:

Prep (Ages 3-11)

Open Morning Saturday 12 October 2024

Our next Open Morning takes place on Saturday 12 October. Hear from our Head, Mr Toby Freeman-Day, and tour of our facilities. Our staff and pupils will be delighted to show you around and demonstrate some key aspects of life at RGS Prep.

Book Now

Future Open Events

If you are unable to attend our October Open Morning, don’t worry.  Please register your interest here to attend a future open morning or to attend a small group tour.

Register Interest


Senior and Sixth Form (Ages 11-18)

Open Events Friday 4 and Saturday 5 October 2024

Our Open Day takes place in October every year. Please Note: Due to demand and to ensure an enjoyable experience for all our visitors, places are limited to those interested in September 2025 or 2026 entry.

Book to attend Open Day

Year 7 Entry   Year 12 Entry

Small Group Tours
Michaelmas Term 2024

Small group visits take place on selected dates in September and October during the school day. These are exclusively for families with students in Year 6 or Year 11 in 2024/25.

Our Year 11 tours have now finished. If you are in Year 11 and would still like to visit the School please book a place at our Open Evening on 4 October, or get in touch with our Admissions team.

Book to attend a Small Group Tour

Year 7 Entry   




If you have any questions and would like to discuss anything in advance of booking a place on one of our tours, please contact us, we would love to hear from you.

RGS Prep (Nursery to Year 6): 01483 880 489

RGS Senior (Year 7 to Year 13): 01483 880 600

For information about entrance assessments, dates and school fees please select the entrance point most appropriate for your son.