RGS Guildford courtyard with students

OG Reunion in Dubai

We are delighted to invite you to join Dr Jon Cox, RGS Guildford Headmaster, for the first RGS Old Guildfordian Reunion to take place in Dubai. The evening will include...

Careers in Law Seminar

The Careers in Law Seminar features an excellent panel of experts and young OG speakers, all at various stages in their careers. The evening will begin with short introductory presentations from each of the panel followed by key points from Peter Dunscombe about university/course options, internships and more.


Join us for our annual online BIG RGS Quiz - a great evening for you to test your general knowledge. Book tickets

1995 30-Year Reunion

Join us for your 30-year Reunion for the Class of 1995. A visit round the school with fellow OGs and some of your former teachers, followed by drinks and canapés...

OG Reunion: 1983-85

Join us for your reunion for the Classes of 1983-85; A visit round the school with fellow OGs and some of your former teachers, followed by dinner in Big School....