RGS Guildford courtyard with students


Reflection: Volunteering

Volunteering is a word whose meaning is well understood by modern-day culture; however, I believe that the attitude with which it is expected to be done is far less grounded….

Reflection: Mental Health

I’m sorry to start on a low, but let me begin with some statistics that I found while researching Mental Health Awareness Week.  Every year, 1 in 4 people suffer from a…

Charity Sleep Out

The rain started at about 6.00pm, just as 35 Second Form pupils, 3 Fourth Form helpers and 5 staff arrived at the RGS to sleep out to raise funds for…

Physics Trip to Geneva

The Swiss trip over the Easter holidays provided a mix of adventure and education for our students. The group gathered at Gatwick Airport for an early morning departure to Geneva…

French Trip to Normandy

After an early start, 39 junior students embarked on a French trip to Normandy for five days of culture, adventure and language immersion. The diverse programme, primarily in French, included…

Concerto Concert

The Concerto Concert with Southern Pro Musica has become a standout event in the RGS musical year, and this year’s performance was no exception. In front of a sizable audience,…