students playing with water


In the nurturing environments of Nursery and Reception (Shell), our primary focus is to provide an environment which is positive, inclusive and safe. Within the Early Years, we are committed to providing a diverse range of stimulating, practical activities which allows each child to learn through firsthand experiences.

Tailored Learning Environment

We recognise that young boys display many characteristics which are special and unique. They are usually lively and curious about the world around them. Consequently, our learning environment is tailor-made, designed to be dynamic, action-packed, and interactive.

student in class

The Curriculum

We follow the statutory framework provided by the Department for Education for Early Years providers, and our approach supports learning and development from birth to five years old. In addition, boys in Reception have a French lesson each week and both Reception and Nursery have a music and games lesson with specialist teachers. Across our Early Years department, pupils follow a two-year rolling topic plan.

Classroom Learning

Pupils begin their learning for the two-year rolling topic in their classrooms. They delve into specific themes such as the Arctic, building a comprehensive understanding over time and developing a foundation for future learning.

students toasting marshmallows

Outdoor Learning

Pupils enjoy frequent visits to Boyzone, our outdoor learning area, where they take part in activities that consolidate their classroom learning as well as everything from roasting marshmallows over the firepit to building minibeast houses.

We recognise the value of practical activities in the Early Years. Engaging with the natural environment enhances cognitive and sensory experiences, while hands-on activities build motor skills and problem-solving abilities. Outdoor activities foster creativity, imagination and social skills.


Beyond the curriculum, pupils enjoy engaging trips and events, and an extensive clubs programme. Learn about our co-curricular opportunities and wraparound care here.