story time in class

Wraparound Care

student holding a hot drink

Breakfast Club

We welcome pupils from Nursery & Reception to the Prep Dining Hall for Breakfast Club Monday- Friday from 7.30am. We offer nutritional food options including porridge, fruit, cereal and toast.

The perfect calm start to the boys’ busy and fun-filled days at school. Breakfast club offers welcoming wraparound childcare. Pupils are excited to see their friends when they arrive and enjoy joining the rest of their classmates at 8.15am to begin the days learning.

small toy animals

Before School Care

With little ones, we understand that mornings can be very busy. We are pleased to offer drop off from 8am where reception pupils can unpack their belongings in their classroom and then enjoy a run in the playground with their classmates.

Nursery boys can be dropped straight to the Nursery where they enjoy a wide range of supervised activities to ease our young learners into their day. We provide activities that stimulate both social and cognitive development, to assist with a smooth transition from home to the school environment.

student playing

After School Care

After school we provide activities such as Kapla Club and Playball for pupils in Reception.  All Early Years pupils can access the late class from 3.20pm where a variety of activities is provided.

From 4.00pm until 4.30pm, things slow down and the boys have access to quieter activities to help them relax after a busy day. After 4.30pm, the boys are taken over to the Prep school to join the main After School Care club run by Sport4Kids. Here they are provided with a healthy snack and can be picked up any time up until 6.30pm.