Exam Results

The RGS is consistently one of the top boys’ schools in the country at both A Level and GCSE according to the national league tables. These foundations provide the springboard for our students to have the most ambitious of aspirations with regard to A Level choices and subsequent Higher Education.

Ranked as the number 4 independent boys’ school nationally.

The Sunday Times Parent Power 2024 Report

Pupils, including those with SEND or EAL, achieve outstanding results in public examinations.

ISI Report 2022

Pupils achieve outstanding results in a wide variety of academic and other areas such as music, sport and drama.

ISI Report 2022

Outstanding results

The most common grade achieved by our students was the gold-standard grade 9; in total 752 grade 9s were achieved, 46% of all grades.  In addition, 469 grade 8s were also secured: 74.5% of grades were at grade 9 or 8.  64 students achieved ten or more grade 8 and 9s; 22 boys secured the remarkable achievement of a clean sweep of 10 or more grade 9s.

Results 2022-23


Subject 9 8 7 6 5 4 Entry
Art 7 4 2 1 14
Biology 78 46 17 7 5 1 154
Chemistry 71 48 26 4 3 3 155
Chinese 4 3 7
Computer Science 17 26 10 3 1 4 61
Design & Technology 8 7 4 2 1 1 23
Drama & Theatre Studies 4 5 2 1 12
English Language 53 41 36 18 4 3 155
English Literature 50 49 30 20 4 1 154
French 23 26 10 2 4 5 70
Geography 35 28 19 10 3 2 97
German 7 10 4 21
Greek 3 1 4
History 30 22 17 7 6 2 84
Latin 12 11 5 28
Mathematics 105 37 9 4 155
Mathematics (Further) 49 22 10 1 82
Music 8 5 1 14
Physical Education 19 5 3 1 28
Physics 98 28 15 8 4 3 156
Religious Studies 34 20 11 5 1 1 72
Russian 3 1 4
Spanish 33 25 20 6 2 1 87
Totals 751 470 248 102 39 27 1637

A Level

Subject A* A B C D E/U Entry
Ancient History 1 2 2 5
Art 3 1 1 5
Biology 13 11 2 1 1 28
Chemistry 20 14 3 2 1 40
Design & Technology 2 2
Drama & Theatre Studies 1 1
Economics 24 25 16 1 1 67
English Literature 3 3 2 1 9
French 1 4 5 10
Further Mathematics 18 15 2 2 37
Geography 6 10 3 1 20
German 1 1 2 4
Government & Politics 5 6 4 2 17
Greek 1 1
History 3 6 7 1 17
Latin 3 1 3 1 8
Mathematics 53 26 20 3 4 106
Physics 27 7 7 6 47
Physical Education 3 3 2 8
Religious Studies 3 3 2 13
Spanish 3 5 1 9
Totals 192 155 85 19 8 1 460

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