students in class

Years 1 – 6 Curriculum

With a careful balance between academic, creative and physical lessons, as well as teacher-led and pupil-led learning, the boys are able to develop and grow through first-hand experience and a range of stimulating activities.

Learning across the curriculum is enhanced through a comprehensive programme of trips, visits, workshops, themed days and extra-curricular clubs.

Pupils display excellent attitudes to their learning. They are passionate, motivated and

ISI Report 2022
students reading

Years 1 & 2

At RGS Prep we are committed to developing a creative curriculum with a mixture of interesting topics, themed weeks and projects to motivate our boys in their learning. The curriculum offers a broad content of study, using the National Curriculum (Key Stage One) as a basic framework.

The combination of group work activities and high individual attention promotes appropriate learning for all children across levels of ability. KS1 pupils build upon the EYFS curriculum that was introduced in Nursery and Shell (Reception). Our boys extend their learning in many ways and are given varied opportunities to explore the curriculum. Topics are introduced with a cross curricular approach.

Our Key Stage One boys show high levels of independence, curiosity, and concentration. They are enthusiastic about coming to school and enjoy the detailed educational programmes organised to reflect their varied and imaginative needs.

The class teacher is the appointed key person for the boys’ pastoral welfare and educational progress during their time at Pre-Prep. Classroom assistants support the class teacher in this role.

Years 3 to 6

As in the earlier years, the National Curriculum is only part of the school’s own curriculum which covers a broad spectrum of academic, physical, creative and artistic experience to challenge the mind and develop personal interests and skills.

Through a rich curriculum, boys are given the opportunity to expand their subject knowledge, reinforce their numeracy, literacy and ICT skills, as well as develop effective learning strategies through the RGS Prep learning habits.

In Year Three to Six, lessons are taught by both form teachers and specialist subject staff, making full use of our excellent facilities. In addition to the broad curriculum offered in KS1, Spanish, Latin, Verbal and Non-verbal reasoning are introduced from Year Five.

Boys are mostly taught in mixed ability classes across the curriculum. Boys are streamed from Year Four in mathematics and ability sets are introduced in English in Year Six.