RGS Guildford courtyard with students

Emirata Professor S Price, MSc, PhD, FBTS, ERT, FHEA, MBPharmacolSoc

Emirata Professor S Price, MSc, PhD, FBTS, ERT, FHEA, MBPharmacolSoc


Shirley Price is currently Emerita Professor of Toxicology at the University of Surrey, having held several senior posts at the University.  She also holds a Visiting Professorship at the University of Hertfordshire.

Over the course of her career, Shirley has been instrumental in providing education and training programmes in safety sciences to a wide range of industries, regulatory authorities and academic institutions nationally and internationally.

Shirley is President and Fellow of the British Toxicology Society and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Biology, the Royal Society of Chemistry and the Higher Education Academy.  During her career, Shirley has worked on a number of government committees including the World Health Organisation, Veterinary Residues Committee and the Paediatrics Expert Advisory Committee and was appointed by the Minister for Health as a Commissioner on the Committee on Human Medicines.