A Level Results

We are incredibly proud of Sixth Form students who not only contribute immensely to the life of the School but who consistently achieved outstanding A Level results.

Through hard work, dedication and scholarship our students emerge with results – and a work ethic, passion for learning, and range of skills including our Learning Habits – which will set them up for the next phase of their education and beyond.

Ranked as the number 4 independent boys’ school nationally.

The Sunday Time Parent Power 2024 Report

Pupils, including those with SEND or EAL, achieve outstanding results in public examinations.

ISI Report 2022

Pupils achieve outstanding results in a wide variety of academic and other areas such as music, sport and drama.

ISI Report 2022
81 students
achieved a clean sweep of A*s & As
most common grade achieved
37 students
achieved 3 or more A* grades

Results 2022-23

The most common grade achieved by RGS students was the A* grade; 81 students achieved a clean sweep of grades at A or A*, 37 of those achieved 3 or more A* grades: an incredible achievement in the current climate.

A Levels

2023 Results

Subject A* A B C D E/U Entry
Ancient History 1 2 2 5
Art 3 1 1 5
Biology 13 11 2 1 1 28
Chemistry 20 14 3 2 1 40
Design & Technology 2 2
Drama & Theatre Studies 1 1
Economics 24 25 16 1 1 67
English Literature 3 3 2 1 9
French 1 4 5 10
Further Mathematics 18 15 2 2 37
Geography 6 10 3 1 20
German 1 1 2 4
Government & Politics 5 6 4 2 17
Greek 1 1
History 3 6 7 1 17
Latin 3 1 3 1 8
Mathematics 53 26 20 3 4 106
Physics 27 7 7 6 47
Physical Education 3 3 2 8
Religious Studies 3 3 2 13
Spanish 3 5 1 9
Totals 192 155 85 19 8 1 460


Leavers' Destinations


University Number of Students
Durham University 125
Cambridge University 121
Exeter University 95
Bath University 86
Bristol University 70
Nottingham University 66
Oxford University 59
Birmingham University 42
Warwick University 41
University College, London 39
Imperial College, London 33
Leeds University 32

Oxbridge Numbers


Subject Cambridge Oxford Total
Ancient History and Archaeology 1 1 2
AMES 2 2
Anthropology 1 1
Architecture 1 1
Biological Sciences/Biochemistry 4 4
Biomedical Sciences 2 2
Chemistry 7 7
Chinese Studies 1 3 4
Classics 6 8 14
Computer Science 6 1 7
Earth Science 1 1
Economics 13 13
Engineering 19 5 24
English 5 4 9
Experimental Psychology 2 2
Geography 3 3
History 5 10 15
HSPS 5 5
Land Economy 4 4
Law 4 5 9
Material Science 1 1
Mathematics 23 4 27
Medicine 1 3 4
Modern Foreign Languages/Linguistics 12 7 19
Music 1 1 2
Natural Sciences 42 42
Philosophy 3 3
Physics 6 6
Philosophy, Politics and Economics 13 13
Psychology, Philosophy and Linguistics 1 1
Theology 2 2
Veterinary Science 2 2
All Subjects 157 94 251

University Courses

Top 21 degree choices 2016-2023

Degree Programme Undergraduates
Economics 146
Engineering 130
Mathematics or Computer Science 75
Finance and Management 60
Geography 57
Medicine 55
History 55
Modern/Asian Languages 50
Natural Sciences 49
Biological and Biomedical Sciences 43
International Relations or Politics 43
Flexible or Combined Honours 41
Physics 38
Classics 33
Philosophy (inc. with Theology) 28
English 25
PPE 24
Law 21
Music 15
Chemistry 12
Psychology 8